In the Day of Trouble
Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. – Psalm 50:15, NKJV
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with anxiety over a trouble that we’re facing, what might happen. At other times, we’re anxious over past mistakes we’ve made, regrets that come back to haunt us. Those can become lingering worry, lingering anxiety, that the enemy will try to convince you will never go away and keep you in fear and depression. Don’t be complacent. Don’t just accept it and say, “My anxiety is high today. My depression is really bad.” No, don’t take ownership of it. It doesn’t belong to you. The moment you say “my,” you’re inviting it in and giving it permission to stay. Instead of inviting it, you need to start casting it away. See that anxiety as foreign, as not welcome, and as temporary. If you call upon the Lord, He will give you the strength you need until the deliverance comes. Every morning you need to call. “Lord, thank You for strengthening me today. Thank You that anxiety cannot stay in my life. I am a temple of the Most High God. Anxiety, you are on foreign territory, you are not welcome here.
Prayer For Today
Father, thank You that I can literally call out to You in a day of trouble, knowing that You will deliver and protect me. Thank You that I can invite You into my circumstances and receive the strength I need to overcome. I am casting any anxiety away and calling on You for deliverance. In Jesus’ Name,
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