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Martyrs of China

The seven young sisters, 25 – 34 years of age from France, Italy, Belgium and Netherland, left the Port of Marseilles for China on 12th March 1899 and arrived in Taiyuan-Fou in the region of Shanxi on 4th May. They endured the sacrifices necessary to adapt to a new climate, culture and people. After having loved deeply all those who had become their new family and their own people, they loved them “unto the end.” (John 13:1).

On 27th June, the political situation became extremely tense. The Bishops, fearing for the religious sisters asked them to put on Chinese clothes and try to save themselves. Mother Marie Hermine, the Superior responded in the name of all.

“For the love of God, do not prevent us from dying with you. If our courage is weak… believe me that God who sends the test will give us strength to meet it bravely. We fear neither death nor torments… We came here to exercise charity and to shed our blood for the love of Jesus Christ if need be” 

They were massacred on 9th July 1900.

I can now say with St. Francis:” Now, I have seven true Franciscan Missionaries of Mary “said Mary of the Passion, the day she learnt of the news on 22nd September 1900. “

Their martyrdom speaks for itself. By their vocation they have offered themselves for the church and for souls. They have lived their holocaust right to the end…” “Now I am the mother of seven martyrs…” 

The Church celebrates the liturgical feast of Marie Hermine and her companions on 8th July, the eve of their martyrdom.
